Hello and welcome to Joes Famous Reviews. Here I will be giving you the smack down on all of the latest Internet Marketing products that are new to town. I ensure to only give honest reviews, so if a product stinks then you can be sure to find out here.


The Rocky Road Too Internet Marketing Success With Viral Traffic Optimizer


When I first came to the internet looking to make a quick buck I never imagined where it would lead me to today. I knew nothing about the potential opportunities that are out there for people like myself who are trying to make a living from home.

When I first started out Internet Marketing I literally knew nothing of the journey ahead. I was like any newcomer, that being very easily blinded by all of these big claims that these so called gurus put on their products. This resulted in me skipping and changing from one method to another week by week when I hadn’t suddenly become rich overnight.

Finally after a lot of searching I found a product that on the outside seemed amazing. It was an SEO product and the reviews of it were all glowing. For the months to come this was going to be a big part of my life. I ranked my sites and I made more money than I had previously thought possible through working online and best of all, it just kept on coming in with very little upkeep on my part.

Everything was going swimmingly until one day I woke up and noticed that something was amiss. My traffic had come to a stop and with it my earnings also had ceased. I was in a real mess here, I did not know what had happened until I checked my rankings and sure enough to my horror, all of my sites were gone. When I did a bit more digging on the forums i learnt that Google had done some updates which took out not only my sites but a great number or marketers sites.

This has given me the slap in the face I needed to move away from Google and towards social media and viral traffic. I cannot handle the thought of leaving my whole business in the hands of Google when at any moment they could destroy you. I have been looking at a new product called Viral Traffic Optimizer that hopefully will get me out of the mess I am currently in.

If you would like to know more about my journey to success and my full  Viral Traffic Optimizer  Review then have a look here.


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